• Laureata in Matematica presso l'Università di Napoli.
  • Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica presso l'Università di Napoli (Direttore di Ricerca: Prof. Hans Weber).
  • Borsista INDAM nell'a.a. 1990-91.
  • Ricercatrice di Analisi Matematica dal 1991.
  • Attuale posizione: Professore Associato di Analisi Matematica presso il Dipartimento di Matematica, Informatica ed Economia dell'Università della Basilicata.
  • Area di ricerca: Teoria della misura.

1. A. Avallone. Spaces of measurable functions I. Ricerche Mat., vol. XXXIX, fasc. 2, 221-246 (1990).

2. A. Avallone-A. Basile. Integration: Uniform structure. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 159, No. 2, 373-381 (1991).

3. A. Avallone. The topological dual of $ L _0. $ Annal. Societ. Math. Polon. Series I: Comment. Math., vol. XXXI, 15-23 (1991).

4. A. Avallone-G. Trombetta. Measures of noncompactness in the space $ L _0 $ and a generalization of the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem. Boll. U.M.I. (7), 5-B, 573-587 (1991)

5. A. Avallone. Spaces of measurable functions II. Ricerche Mat., vol. XL, fasc. 1, 3-19 (1992).

6. A. Avallone-A.Basile. On the Liapunov-Richter theorem in the finitely additive setting. J. Math. Econom. 22, 557-561 (1993).

7. A. Avallone. Orlicz spaces generated by a family of pseudonorms. Annal. Societ. Math. Polon. Series I: Comment. Math. 34, 1-20 (1994).

8. A. Avallone-A. Valente. A decomposition theorem for submeasures. Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 43, 81-90 (1995).

9. A. Avallone. Liapunov theorem for modular functions. Internat. J. Theoret. Phys. 34, No. 8, 1197-1204 (1995).

10. A. Avallone-J. Hamhalter. Extension theorems (vector measures on quantum logics) . Czech. Math. J. 46 (121), 179-192 (1996).

11. A. Avallone-H. Weber. Lattice uniformities generated by filters. J. Math. Anal. Appl 209, 507-528 (1997).

12. A. Avallone-G. Barbieri. Range of finitely additive fuzzy measures. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 89, 231-241 (1997).

13. A. Avallone-A. Basile. On the Liapunov-Richter theorem in B-convex spaces. J. Math. Econom 30, 109-118 (1998).

14. A. Avallone-M.A. Lepellere. Modular functions: Uniform boundedness and compactness. Rendic. Circ. Mat. Palermo XLVII, 221-264 (1998).

15. A. Avallone-G. Barbieri-R. Cilia. Control and separating points of modular functions. Math. Slovaca 49, no. 2, 155-182 (1999).

16. A. Avallone. Nonatomic vector-valued modular functions. Annal. Societ. Math. Polon. Series I: Comment. Math. XXXIX, 37-50 (1999).

17. A. Avallone-A. De Simone. Extensions of modular functions on orthomodular lattices. Ital. J. Pure Appl. Math. n.9, 109-122 (2001)

18. A. Avallone. Lattice uniformities on orthomodular structures. Math. Slovaca 51, no. 4, 403-419 (2001).

19. A. Avallone. Modular functions on multilattices. Czech. Math. J. 52 (127), no. 3, 499-512 (2002).

20. A. Avallone-A. Basile. On a Marinacci uniqueness theorem for measures . J. Math. Anal. Appl. 286, n.2, 378-390 (2003).

21. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Ideals and congruences of effect algebras. Order 20, 67-77 (2003).

22. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Decomposition and control theorems for measures on effect algebras. Sci. Math. Japon. 58, no.1, 1-14 (2003).

23. A. Avallone-G. Barbieri. Liapunov measures on effect algebras. Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae 44, n. 3, 389--397 (2003).

24. A. Avallone-G. Barbieri-P. Vitolo. Hahn decomposition of modular measures and applications. Annales Soc. Math. Polon. Series I: Comment. Math. XLIII, 149-168 (2003).

25. A. Avallone. Liapunov modular functions. Rendiconti Circ. Mat. Palermo 53,195-204 (2004).

26. A. Avallone-A. Basile. On a linearity theorem for measures. Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae. Sci. Math. Japon. 10, 471-484 (2004).

27. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Lattice uniformities on effect algebras. Intern. J. Theoret. Phys. 44, no. 7, 793-806 (2005).

28. A. Avallone-A. De Simone-P. Vitolo. Effect algebras and extensions of measures. Bollettino U.M.I. 9-B, 423-444 (2006).

29. A. Avallone. Cafiero and Nikodym boundedness theorems in effect algebras. Ital. J. Pure and Appl. Math. 20, 203-214 (2006).

30. A. Avallone-A. Basile-P. Vitolo. Positive operators a la Aumann-Shapley on spaces of functions on D-lattices. Positivity 10, No. 4, 701-719 (2006).

31. A. Avallone. Separating points of measures on effect algebras. Math. Slovaca 57, No. 2, 129-140 (2007).

32. A. Avallone-S. Rinauro-P. Vitolo. Boundedness and convergence theorems in effect algebras. Tatra Mountains Math. Publ. 35, 159-174 (2007).

33. A. Avallone-G.Barbieri-P. Vitolo. On the Alexandroff decomposition theorem. Math. Slovaca 58, No.1, 1-16 (2008).

34. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Effect algebras with the Subsequential Interpolation Property. Soft Computing 12, No. 6, 559-565 (2008).

35. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Lyapunov decomposition of measures on effect algebras. Sci. Math. Japonica 69, No. 1, 633-641 (2009).

36. A. Avallone-G. Barbieri-P. Vitolo-H. Weber. Decomposition of effect algebras and the Hammer-Sobczyk theorem. Algebra Universalis 60, 1-18 (2009).

37. A. Avallone-G. Barbieri-P. Vitolo. Central elements in pseudo-D-lattices and Hahn decomposition theorem. Bollettino U.M.I. 9, No. 3, 447-470 (2010).

38. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Lattice uniformities on pseudo-D-lattices. Math. Slovaca 62, no.6, 1-26 (2012).

39. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Pseudo-D-lattices and topologies generated by measures. It. J. Pure Applied Math. 29, 25-42 (2012).

40. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Lebesgue decomposition and Bartle-Dunford-Schwartz theorem in pseudo-D-lattices. Acta Math. Sci. 33 B(3),1-25 (2013).

41. A. Avallone-G. Barbieri- P. Vitolo- H. Weber Openess of measures and closedness of their range. Journ. Math. Anal. Appl. 404, 57-63 (2013).

42. A. Avallone-G. Barbieri- P. Vitolo. Pseudo-D-lattices and Lyapunov measures. Rendiconti Circolo Mat. Palermo 62, 301-314 (2013).

43. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Pseudo-D-lattices and separating points of measures. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 289, 43-63 (2016).

44. A. Avallone-A. De Simone-P.Vitolo. Extensions of measures on pseudo-D-lattices. Math. Slovaca 66, No. 2, 1-18 (2016).

45. A. Avallone-G. Barbieri-P. Vitolo-H. Weber. Decomposition of pseudo-effect algebras and the Hammer-Sobczyk theorem. Order 33, no. 3, 477-501 (2016).

46. A. Avallone. Measure games on Pseudo-D-lattices. Math. Slovaca 67, No. 6, 1-16 (2017).

47. A. Avallone. An Aumann-Shapley type operator on pseudo-D-lattices. Ricerche di Matematica 67, 413-432 (2018).

48. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Hahn decomposition in D0-algebras. Soft Computing 23, 11373-11388 (2019).

49. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. The centre of a D0-algebra. Reports on Math. Phys. 86, no. 1 (2020).

50. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Lyapunov decomposition in D0-algebras. Rendiconti Circolo Mat. Palermo 69, 837-859 (2020).

51. A. Avallone-G.Barbieri-P. Vitolo-H.Weber. Modular D0-algebras. Bollettino UMI 13, No. 4, 529-538 (2020).

52. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Kalmbach measurability in D-lattices. Soft Computing 26, 13349-13355 (2022).

53. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Kalmbach measurability in D0-algebras. Math. Slovaca 72, No. 6, 1387-1402 (2022).

54. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Sharp elements in D0-algebras. Iranian J. Fuzzy Systems 20 (6), 85-103 (2023).

55. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Decomposition of D0-algebras. Preprint (2022).

56. A. Avallone-P. Vitolo. Generalized Sasaki Mappings in D0-algebras. Preprint (2024).